Do Grocery Store Slip-and-Falls Count as Personal Injury?

rocery stores are where many people spend a lot of time. Because so many of us find ourselves at the grocery store at some point of the day or week for dinner staples, snacks, household essentials, and so on, it’s no surprise the grocery store sees a lot of incidents. Slip and falls are one of the most common incidents that can be escalated to personal injury claims if there is proof of injury and evidence of negligence that incited the incident. Grocery store slip and fall incidents happen, too.


Grocery Stores and Slips

You may wonder, why would anyone slip at the grocery store? There are a few reasons for slip and fall incidents at a grocery store. Some of the reasons slip and fall accidents may occur are:

  • Someone may mop up a spill and forget to put up a sign warning patrons
  • There may be a spilling of something, i.e. milk, syrup, or some other liquid, that no one has addressed and can also lead to slips
  • There are improperly positions or misplaced entrance and floor mats
  • There is cracked, damaged or uneven pavement in the parking lot or sidewalk of the store


Can I File a Lawsuit if I Slip at the Grocery Store?

Grocery store managers and employees have a responsibility to make sure customers are shopping in safe conditions. If you slip in a grocery store due to a spill or discarded grocery items, you may be entitled to file a personal injury lawsuit. If the store management failed to clean up a spill even after a reasonable amount of time passed, issued no warning about the spill, or were notified about the spill but didn’t do anything about it, then you have the proof to file a personal injury lawsuit.

After a Grocery Store Slip and Fall

If you suffer a slip and fall incident at a grocery store, inform store management, take videos or photos of the incident, get eyewitness information and testimonies, ask for surveillance footage (if a store manager refuses to share the footage, seek a personal injury attorney as soon as possible), seek medical attention, and sit down with a personal injury attorney if you believe you have the proper evidence to file a suit. By working with a personal injury attorney, you may have a chance to receive compensation for your injuries.


We go to grocery stores daily, never thinking an injury could occur there. Of course, injuries can occur anywhere, and if the slip and fall incident you were in was caused by the management’s negligence, you may be entitled to filing a personal injury claim for compensation. This compensation can cover medical treatment and loss of wages if unable to work. The key is to sit down with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to consult with your grocery store slip and fall claim. Looking for a personal injury attorney in Ontario? Reach out to the attorneys at Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel.














Fun Party Games for the Whole Family!

A party can bring your entire family together to celebrate a variety of reasons! Whether a birthday party, graduation party, or just because you want to come together with your closest friends and family, you may want to find a couple of party games for those moments where the talk seems to wind down, the food has been eaten, and your guests are waiting to see what else happens! You want to go with games that can be fun for the whole family, no matter what age. Here are a few fun party games the whole family can enjoy!


Musical Chairs!

You can’t go wrong with this classic party game. Simply make two lines of chairs with their backs to each other, play a popular tune, and watch the giggles commence! As your guests try to claim the last few chairs, you’ll be surprised with how many guests will want to participate. Offer a dessert basket or gift card as an incentive and watch the competition grow!


Sticker Stalker!

This game is perfect for holiday parties and baby showers. Hand guests two sheets of stickers and they must place a sticker on other guests without the other guests noticing. If someone notices the person placing a sticker on them, the person must then accept a sticker from that person. Whoever uses up their entire sticker sheets wins! This is a very sneaky and exciting game for all guests to enjoy.



A tried and true classic party game for all reunions of different sizes! With charades, divide into teams. Then one player goes up and tries to present a movie title, actor, animal, etc., by miming actions to get their team to guess. Charades has long been known as the perfect party game to stir up some laughs!


Dancing Chain!

Pop some tunes on and get everybody out of the seats! The Dancing Chain game works like this: one person wiggles their hips, then the person after them wiggles their hips and adds jazz hands, then the third person wiggles their hips, does jazz hands, and adds their own move. It’s basically a memory game that involves a lot of dancing! Perfect for the whole family, and all you have to do is put your best dancing shoes on.



Break out the old Twisert mat! An oldie, but a goodie, having guests trying to keep their feet and hands on the colored circles without falling is a perfect game to break through any boredom. Make sure to have some extra party snacks around, because you can work up a sweat with this party game!


Trying to come up with party games guests can enjoy can be difficult. The five listed above are simple, classic, and may make your guests want to keep playing another round or two, or three. If you’re searching for reliable tent rentals in Santa Barbara to accommodate your event and party game space, Town & Country Event Rentals is the stop for you. Now, game on!


The Biggest Factors that Affect Water Quality

Great water quality is essential in all households. We all want perfect water quality, right? You may wonder, what even is water quality? Water quality means how pure or clean water may be. Poor water quality from improperly or never treated water can result in a chemical imbalance that is dangerous for the health. Some of the biggest factors that affect water quality are not hard to decipher, but some may even surprise you. Luckily water companies treat water to remove any bacteria and contaminants, but you can take your own preventative measures as well to improve water quality. Here are some of the elements that affect your water quality:


Household Plumbing & Fixtures

It’s no surprise that household plumbing and fixtures can affect the quality of your water. For example, older household plumbing can have potential lead sources, which in turn may lead to dangerous water contamination. Faucet aerators need to be regularly cleaned and replaced to prevent sediment and metal buildup. Make sure to check plumbing and fixtures periodically to see any signs of rusting or damages that could also affect water quality.


Water Usage

Wait, what? You heard that right. Overuse of water can actually affect the quality of your water as well. High water usage can actually strain your water system, especially if you share your water supply with other members in your neighborhood or community. Your community may need to update aging wastewater treatment and delivery systems.



Dumping oil, grease, trash (such as coffee grounds), and other debris down the drain can actually make its way to local sources of water. Grass clippings and leaves can find a way to drainage systems and clog them, while improperly maintained septic tank systems and left behind animal waste can also pollute your water supply if it makes its way there. Water companies can treat and filter pollutants and contaminants that end up in the water supply, but it’s important to take preventative measures and not throw any garbage down the drain or flush prescriptions down your toilet either.


Sediments are an environmental factor that can make their way into your water supply due to a variety of natural resources, such as soil erosion or the decomposition of a living thing. Water, ice, and wind can then carry these particles into bodies of water and later on may end up in your water supply.


Water is everything to us, whether we hydrate, wash ourselves, wash our clothes, use it to cook, etc. So it would only make perfect sense we’d want our water quality and pressure to be at its best. Nowadays, if you are looking to improve your water quality, there’s a variety of filters, water softeners, purifiers, and more. You can consult with a plumbing expert to learn more about bettering your water quality. If you need a plumber in Ontario and surrounding areas, The Original Plumbing Company is your go-to destination for quality service and expert advice on everything plumbing, including water quality tips!


5 Moving Safety Tips

Everyone knows that moving isn’t an easy task, especially if you have to move and pack your belongings with many kids. Amidst the excitement of moving into a new home, most people forget to take extra precautions for personal safety and end up with problems. If you want to make it to your destination in one piece, check out these moving safety tips!


5 Moving Tips for Your Safety


Do you want to get to your new location safely? These tips can help!


1.   Declutter Your Belongings


There’s no reason you should pack hundreds of items and accessories in one box just because they will fit. Learn the art of decluttering and get rid of things that you don’t need. Having fewer items to pack and carry will reduce your chances of tripping over something or straining yourself carrying heavy loads. Start decluttering a few weeks before your move and donate or sell items that are no longer required. Instead of filling the boxes up to the top, make a general rule of not packing more than 50 pounds.


2.   Secure the Boxes Properly


Imagine what would happen if you failed to pack your boxes properly or forgot to tape them shut? Instead of filling your belongings in one large box, divide them into medium and small-sized containers. This way, one person can easily lift a box without hurting themselves. Muscle strains and pulled backs are the most commonly reported injuries people experience during the moving process. Once you have filled a box, lift it to make sure that it doesn’t fall apart. Secure the box by adding extra tape as needed.


3.   Wrap Sensitive Items with Care


Make sure to secure your knives, glasses, plates, and forks properly before packing them. Wrap them in a cloth to ensure they don’t fall out or break when moved. To protect yourself from sharp edges, you can also use bubble wrap for knives or forks. Once the boxes are ready for transportation, mark an X or stick a “Fragile” sticker on them, so the movers know that the packages must be handled with caution.


4.   Dress Properly


You should make sure to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed while moving. Put on a pair of jeans and a lightweight shirt. If you are overseeing the move yourself and lifting boxes, it obviously won’t be a good idea to wear heels, flip-flops, long dresses, skirts, or anything else that can be a tripping hazard. Focus on your clothes being breathable and soft, so you don’t sweat excessively and overheat during the move.


5.   Ask for Help


If you feel like you won’t handle the move on your own, don’t hesitate to ask for help. You can either consult a moving company to assist you during the move or request close friends and family to lend a hand. Many hands make light work, and this will also help you avoid injury from overworking.


Contact a Reliable Moving Company to Take the Stress Out of Your Next Move


For more help planning your relocation, hire reliable Loma Linda movers to handle the job!

Top Tips for Driving in Heavy Rain

Whether it’s a heavy downpour or sprinkles, driving during a rainstorm is one of the most intimidating situations for a driver. Did you know that rainy conditions can always result in a more significant chance of car accidents? No matter where you live, most people will drive in the rain at some point. Unfortunately, avoiding this type of weather altogether is nearly impossible. While you shouldn’t be afraid to drive in the rain, you should take extra precautions to ensure your safety.


With a few extra safety tips in your pocket, you can keep yourself safe when on the road. Let’s explore!


Tips for Driving in Heavy Rain


Different drivers offer different tips on how to drive in poor weather. Still, some basics can undoubtedly help you to travel with heavy rain. The following tips can help keep you safe when you’re driving in rainy weather.


1.   Check Your Car’s Equipment


Did you know that checking your car’s equipment is an essential tip you must consider in heavy rains? Before you hit the road, check that all the equipment in your vehicle is running in the correct order. The best way to do this is to keep an eye on the weather predictions, especially if you will be setting out for a more extended trip. Some equipment you should check is the taillights, headlights, tire treads, windshield wiper fluid, and any other component that may impact your ability to drive safely.


2.   Turn On Your Headlights


Many states have laws and regulations that require drivers to turn on their headlights when driving in the rain. There are several benefits to this method. It will improve your visibility as the driver and allow you to see your surroundings much better. Since heavy rain can come with dark, dreary conditions, it also ensures that you can see where you are going.


3.   Use Your Windshield Wipers


While this might seem obvious, some people prefer to drive without their wipers on. Many people don’t remember turning on the windshield wipers during rain. Many cars feature adjustable windshields to eliminate moisture from the shield during heavy rainfall. If you’re planning a long trip, make sure to have your windshield wipers checked before you head out. Your windshield wipers are one of the essential components of your vehicle when driving in the rain.


4.   Drive Slow


Hydroplaning is a common reason why drivers lose control of their vehicles in the rain and accidents occur. That’s why it’s essential to drive slowly during rainy weather. Do your best not to accelerate or brake suddenly, as well.


5.   Ventilate Your Car


We all know rain is also responsible for increasing humidity levels. That’s why you’ll notice visibly foggy windows as you’re driving down the road. Not only is this frustrating, but it can also be dangerous when driving. Make sure to keep your ventilation system on to reduce fog buildup in the interior of your windshield.


6.   Avoid Heavy Braking


Again, take it slow! Heavy braking while driving in the rain can lead to serious car accidents. While it might be easier to brake frequently out of fear, it’s best to operate as you would if it wasn’t raining but go slower than usual.


Contact Your Local Auto Repair Shop to Discuss Your Needs


If you need more advice on the best type of vehicle for your needs, talk to your Riverside auto repair shop for help.

How to Install a Toilet Flange

Toilets are a basic necessity of all modern homes. As such, they must be appropriately installed to function as expected. Your toilet drains to your sewer system and is connected by the toilet flange. This essential component is what keeps the water in your toilet and releases it when you flush. It’s one of the crucial parts of the inner workings of your toilet.


If you don’t install this small and often low-cost plumbing part correctly, it can do a lot of damage. Improperly installed flanges can leak and cause significant water waste. Let’s discuss the essential steps to install a toilet flange properly.


Tips to Install a Toilet Flange Properly


Toilet flanges can be installed in two ways:

  • Flush with the floor
  • Above the floor


One way may be more suitable for some jobs than others. Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of installing a toilet flange in both ways.


Toilet Flange Installation Above the Floor


Most often, people prefer installing the toilet flanges up higher than the bathroom floor. It is recommended to fit the toilet flange a quarter-inch above your floor with this method. This will help the flange stay sealed in place and prevent water from leaking out. Closet bolts hold the flange tightly to the floor and prevent leaks.


To attach a toilet securely and produce a tight seal, you’ll also need a wax ring. Most people choose to install a toilet flange above ground level to prevent the toilet from leaking in the future. However, the disadvantage to this method is that there is space between the flange and the floor, which increases the risk of a problem if the flooring isn’t installed correctly. If a flange is too high or the seal isn’t tight, you may also have a toilet that wobbles and sways. That’s why it’s recommended to have a professional plumber do your installation.


Toilet Flange Installation Flush with the Floor


Installing a toilet flange flush with the floor is also an option. Using this method is relatively similar to setting it up above the floor. The difference may be between the closet bolts and the wax ring. The critical difference between this procedure and the other method is that the finished floor is the same level as the toilet flange.


If the toilet flange is flush with the floor, the wax ring will be farther away from the toilet, making a leak-free seal more challenging to obtain. Setting a toilet flange flush with the floor has the advantage of preventing a shaky toilet due to an incorrectly installed flange. In addition to saving time by not cutting or working around the flooring, choosing this method also looks nicer. This is the most common and convenient option for replacing or installing a new toilet.


Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each approach will help you decide which option is best for your needs. Since toilet flanges need to be installed correctly, it’s always best to contact a professional plumber to do the job!


Hire a Professional and Licensed Plumbing Company for Your Residential Needs


It’s crucial to hire a professional if you need work done on your residential plumbing system. Contact your local Riverside plumber to schedule an appointment for fast and affordable service.

Everything You Need to Know About Hot Water Heaters

Winter is nearly here. Unfortunately, that means you need to make sure all your heating appliances are working and ready to go. One of the most essential appliances for colder weather is your water heater. While an efficient hot water supply is essential all year-round, it’s particularly necessary in cold, winter months. Whether you’re taking a shower, washing dishes, or cooking, your water heater makes these everyday chores happen easily and effectively.


If you want to make sure your water heater is working as it should, you’ll need to know the basics. From essential maintenance to common problems, here’s everything you need to know about water heaters.


Everything You Need to Know About Water Heaters


Here is the most basic information you need to know about your water heater.


How Do Water Heaters Work?


A traditional water heater uses an electrical heating element to heat your water. tCold water is brought inside the water heater through a dip tube. The tube then passes through the heating element where the water is warmed to the set and desired temperature. The hot water rises through the tank and is sent to your residential faucets when you turn on the hot water faucet. Tankless water heaters heat the water on demand. In contrast, traditional heaters keep a full supply of heated water in the tank until you need it.


Maintenance and Replacement


Maintaining your water heater is vital to the longevity of your system. You should also know what to look for when it comes to common issues so you know when to call a professional for help. While your water heater is expected to last for 10-15 years, how well you maintain it will ultimately impact the lifespan of your system.


Purchase and install your water heater using a reliable company. You’ll get the best results and biggest return on your investment. Routine maintenance requirements vary from home to home based on your usage and the type of heater you have. Talk to your local plumber to decide what works best for you.


Common Water Heater Issues


You can experience several issues with your water heater, but two of the most common include:


Hot Water Heater Won’t Stay Lit


If your water heater doesn’t stay lit, then there might be a problem with its thermocouple. The thermocouple is a device that checks if your water heater’s pilot light is on or off. So, if there are any issues with it, you might have trouble keeping your pilot lit. Talk to a professional plumber to help with this issue. Since you’re dealing with fire and natural gas, it’s essential to take the proper steps to ensure a resolution.




Water heaters can leak from both the top and bottom of your tank. If your water heater is leaking from the top, check the pipes that go into the top of your water heater. There might be damage that is causing your system to leak. If the heater is leaking from the bottom, the drain valve is likely damaged. Contact a professional plumber to check your tank and repair whatever is causing your leaks.


Contact a Reliable Plumber for Your Needs


If you have a residential plumbing issue, it’s vital to contact a professional immediately for help. Contact your local Pasadena plumber to schedule an appointment.

Everything You Need to Know About Roofing Contractors

Are you planning to replace your roof after storm or wind damage? Is it your first time hiring a roofer, and you don’t know how to hire the right professional? Since roofing is a considerable expense, you must find the right person for the job. If you are a homeowner and make all the major decisions by yourself, then the safety and security of your family lie in your hands.


To help you find the right roofing contractors, we have narrowed down a list for you to explore. Let’s dive in!


What Is a Roofing Proposal?


A roofing proposal is submitted by a roofing contractor when you show interest in hiring them for a job. It establishes the costs for the complete project and any supplies and additional fees the contractor will charge you for the work. This proposal includes basic expenses such as raw material, labor, and any other services you might require to get your project completed. The purpose of a roofing proposal is to have a written estimate of expected costs for your roofing service.


Things to Look Out For in a Roofing Proposal


A roofing proposal should include the type and quality of materials the contractor will be using, along with the manufacturer’s name, so you can judge how good the work is to be conducted. Also, the contractors should provide a detailed schedule of the days and the hours they will be working, so the timing is convenient for you and your family. Moreover, don’t forget that the proposal should also highlight additional costs that might arise, such as installing the chimney or fixing the sub roofing.


Benefits of Hiring a Reliable Roofing Contractor


The benefits of hiring a reliable roofing contractor include:


Cost Savings


Attempting DIY repairs for your roof is not always a good idea, especially if you don’t have any experience. If you attempt a DIY repair, you might end up spending a lot more than what you would have paid a professional initially. Hiring a contractor for repairing or replacing your roof will cost you less, as contractors usually get supplies at lower prices, and you save on unnecessary repairs if you make a mistake.


Saves Time


If you work on your roof, it might take you a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, if you hire a roofing contractor, your work will be completed quickly, and you will focus on other essential tasks.


Ensures Safety


When hiring a roofing contractor, you won’t have to worry about putting your life in danger. The contractors will bring all the necessary equipment with them and ensure that the roof is installed correctly to last for a long time and protect your home effectively.


Find a reliable roofing contractor who you trust. Make sure you feel comfortable asking questions and discussing your project. Let your contractor know about any concerns you might have and ask them about their experience in the roofing industry. If you feel that the contractors have answered all your questions correctly, you can hire them to start your work according to your schedule.


Contact a Reliable Moreno Valley Roofer for Your Roofing Needs


If you need any work done on your residential roof, contact a reliable Moreno Valley roofer to schedule a consultation.

Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Faulty Thermostats

Thermostats are the driving force behind you and your family’s comfort living in the home. While the thermostat may seem like a straightforward component of your system, it’s actually complicated. When your thermostat isn’t working right, it will undoubtedly disturb your peace. Have you ever thought about what disruption could be caused if your thermostats become faulty? Let’s discuss the common problems with thermostats and how to fix them.


Common Thermostat Issues and How to Fix Them


If your thermostat isn’t working right, there can be several causes. Let’s discuss the most common issues and how to fix them.


Unresponsive Thermostat


Have you ever gone to adjust your thermostat in your home to find that nothing happens? Unresponsive thermostats can be frustrating, but they are common. There are some easy ways you can identify and fix the issue. First, try replacing the batteries with new ones, as the previous ones might have just died. You can also try cleaning the thermostat. In some cases, trapped dirt can prevent your thermostat from functioning as it should.


If these solutions don’t work, you may be dealing with more serious electrical issues or complete failure of your thermostat. You’ll need to contact your local AC company for assistance.


Your AC Won’t Switch Off


Just like a leaky faucet, you can wind up with unnecessary expenses and high energy bills if your AC won’t shut off.  If your HVAC doesn’t turn off, it could indicate worn-out wiring or a wire that’s disconnected from the circuit. Contact your local AC company immediately for assistance.


Uneven Distribution of Air


The uneven distribution of indoor air is a problem that may be difficult to detect but can be extremely bothersome. Is there a significant difference in the temperature between your rooms? Does your living room feel chilly while your bedroom feels stuffy? These issues may be the result of a malfunctioning thermostat. Your HVAC system can unexpectedly turn on and off if your thermostat isn’t working correctly, causing uneven temperatures throughout your home. Contact your local HVAC technician for assistance.


Improper Thermostat Placement


You might not have given this a thought, but where you put your thermostats also determines the comfort of your home. You need to be careful not to place it too close to something hot or cold, such as an oven, fireplace, or refrigerator. Heat or warmth from lights can impact the performance of your thermostat. Having a thermostat that doesn’t accurately read the indoor temperature can cause problems with your HVAC system. Talk to your local AC company to discuss proper placement.


Your AC Won’t Turn On


You can undoubtedly tell if your thermostat is malfunctioning if your AC does not turn on. It’s easy to assume your entire system is faulty when this occurs. Still, the problem could be the result of a malfunctioning thermostat. Turning the thermostat off and on again should be your first step when dealing with new technology, as it can easily reset the system.


If this doesn’t work, you may have a more severe problem on your hands. A faulty thermostat wire is another possibility. The problem could be that the connection is disconnected between the thermostat and HVAC.  Call an HVAC specialist right away to resolve the issue.


Contact a Reliable AC Company for Your Residential Needs


It’s essential to hire a licensed professional if you need help with your HVAC system. Contact a reliable Diamond Bar AC company to schedule an appointment.

Pawn Shops Look for These 4 Things in TVs

The best features of any product are essential to look at when it comes time for reselling. If you buy anything from anyone, you should always ask them about all the product’s features before proceeding.


Buying and selling electronic goods to a pawn shop is still a trendy practice, followed by many people. This is because it gives you an excellent opportunity to get some cash fast. Still, you need to take some extra steps if you want to get the best deals. If you are thinking about selling or pawning your TV, there are a few things to consider. Let’s look at the top things pawnbrokers look for in televisions if you want to get the best deal!


4 Things Pawn Shops Look For in TVs


Most reliable pawn shops look at the following when it comes time to give you a loan or purchase your TV:


1.   Brand


The TV brand is the first and most obvious thing a pawn shop owner will look at with your TV if you want to sell or pawn. If the TV is from a reputable brand, your local pawn shop won’t think a second about giving you a very reasonable price. A good brand always keeps its product’s value and makes an excellent resale opportunity. On the other hand, smaller-scale brands do not offer you much money against your TV. Still, you may be able to get a fair price regardless.


The most popular high-quality TV brands include LG, Panasonic, Samsung, or Sony.  Average brands include Vizio, Sharp, and lower-quality brands include Insignia, Toshiba, JVC, and Philips.


2.   Size


The bigger the screen, the greater the enjoyment. It is a well-known fact that TVs with bigger screens are more expensive. The price of the TV you’ll get depends on its size. Bigger-sized TVs sell for a great price, and smaller-sized TVs sell at a lower price. However, their price varies depending upon the features of the TV. For example, suppose you have a 42-inch TV that’s an average brand and a smaller TV that’s a high-quality brand. Even though you would think that the bigger TV will sell for more, pawnbrokers go for quality over quantity.


3.   Features of Your TV


Another thing you’ll need to consider is features. You can sell your TV faster and for more money if it has all the latest and most significant technology features. A TV with more features will undoubtedly sell at a higher price than a TV with fewer features.


Characteristics also play a significant role in getting you a reasonable price for your TV. For example,  LED and LCD options and curved screens are some characteristics that make your TV more valuable.


4.   Condition:


When you’re selling anything to a pawn shop, its condition decides the price you will get. If your TV is in good condition, with no visible scratches on its screen, you’ll get a better price than one that looks banged up.  If you have the original TV box, cords, and remote that came with it, then bring it to the pawn shop with the TV. This will add some extra bucks to the offer you’re going to get for the TV.


Check Out Your Local Pawn Shop for Great Deals


If you’re looking for a great place to purchase items at low costs or to get some fast cash for your belongings, contact your local Apple Valley pawn shop for help!